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  • 2022年02月16日 09:47
  • 來源:大河網
  • 責任編輯:鄧小強

  As the Chinese saying goes,"The Chinese Lunar New Year lasts until the Yuanxiao Festival(元宵節(jié)in Chinese,or the Lantern Festival)."The Yuanxiao Festival is not only the first major festival after the Spring Festival in China,but also the first day with a full-moon night on the Chinese lunar calendar。


  In recent years,China has been opening its door wider to the outside world.As the traditions of the Yuanxiao Festival spread around the world,many foreigners also celebrate it.Do you know the original meaning of the characters of"Yuan"(元in Chinese)and"Xiao"(宵in Chinese)?To better celebrate the festival,you need to know more about it。


  The character"Yuan"is first seen in oracle bone inscriptions.In both oracle bone inscriptions and inscriptions on China's ancient bronze objects,the character"Yuan"looks like one standing sideways with his head highlighted(Picture 1),whose original meaning is"head"(頭in Chinese)."Head"is not only the first part of the body from top to bottom,but also the most important part,so"Yuan"also has some extended meaning in Chinese,such as"being important","the first","the start",etc.In Chinese,"Yuan"is also used to describe the origin of all things,meaning"fundamental".The character"Yuan"of the Yuanxiao Festival shares the same meaning as that of Yuandan(元旦in Chinese,or New Year's Day),indicating"the first"。


  As a pictophonetic character,"Xiao"(宵)means"night",with"肖"representing the sound.In the oracle bone inscriptions that have been identified so far,the character"Xiao"has not yet been found,but"宀"(a part related to its meaning)has been frequently seen.In oracle bone inscriptions and inscriptions on China's ancient bronze objects,"宀"looks like a house(Picture 2),representing nighttime when people usually rest in the house。


  "Yuanxiao",therefore,indicates the first day with a full-moon night on the Chinese lunar calendar.To celebrate this special day,people usually enjoy lanterns,solve riddles and do some shopping,bringing the Spring Festival cheer to a new climax。


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